Filter Bags

polyester Felt (PE) The most common used and cost effective filter felt in modern pulse jet style baghouses. Typical applications range from cement plants to electric furnaces. It has a normal maximum continuous operating temperature is 275°F. Polyester filters offer very good resistance to chemicals, abrasion, and dry heat degradation. This filter is good for dry heat applications and superior to other synthetics with the exception of Nomex (Aramid) and Teflon in this regard. Polyester is not a good choice for moist heat and subject to hydrolytic degradation under certain circumstances. Polyester offers good resistance to most mineral and organic acids except high concentration of nitric, sulfuric, and carbolic acids. It has good resistance to weak alkalis and moderate resistance to strong alkalis at low temperature. Not recommend for high concentration of strong alkalis at high temperatures. Polyester also has good resistance to most oxidizing agents and excellent to most organic solvents. It is not recommended for some phenolic compounds.

Polyester Felt Popular Finishes:
Singed Polyester (SIPE) – The felt is singed on the dust cake side for improved cake release. Most common type of filter media used in modern baghouses. The process involves exposing the surface fibers to an open flame that melts back the loose fiber ends to which dust particles could adhere.
Glazed Polyester (GLPE) – This process involves running the felt through two heated rollers to melt back the loose fiber ends improving the cake release. The process can also compress the felt to smooth the surface, further improving the dust cake release.
SlyTech-01 (ST-01) – Oleophobic -water and oil repellent finish. SlyTech-01 is a complete PTFE bath which provides an excellent cake release finish to each fiber. This finish is cheaper and more durable than a membrane that can be easily scratched.